
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782911053153
Collection: Cuisine et mémoire
14 x 22.3 cm
Weight: 583 gr
Pages: 364
First publication: 10/12/1995
Last printing: 12/2023

Cuisine des juifs de Grèce

Translation: Mireille Florent-Saül, Marianne Leloir-Grange

Over more than 2,000 years, the Jewish communities in Greece have developed a unique culture formed through successive contributions, most notably that of the Sephardic Jews, welcomed into the Ottoman Empire at the end of the fifteenth century. Until the Shoah, which took a heavy toll on the Jews in Greece, the richness of their culture was expressed in their daily routine as well as during religious holidays. Nicholas Stavroulakis takes us back through the history of these communities, and through his illustrations and descriptions, he elegantly evokes the vibrancy of their customs and traditions. The 287 recipes in this book are more than just delicious meals – they are testimonies to a rich and beautiful culture. The cookbook contains numerous black and white illustrations.

Paper book


Avant-propos (Foreword)

Histoire  des Juifs de Grèce (History of the Jews in Greece)
Avant 1453 (Before 1453)
Après 1453 (After 1453)
Introduction à la cuisine juive (An Introduction to Jewish Cuisine)
Communautés juives et traditions culinaires (Jewish Communities and their Culinary Traditions)
Note sur la transcription (Notes on Transcription)
Note sur les recettes (Notes on the Recipes)
La cuisine des jours de fête (Recipes for Religious Festivals)
Chabbat (Shabbat)
Les fêtes de famille (Family Festivals)
Les fêtes de pèlerinage (Festivals of Pilgrimage)
Les grandes fêtes : Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour (The big festivals: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)
Tou Bichevat
La cuisine de tous les jours (Everyday Cooking)
Salades (Salads)
Potages (Stews)
Riz (Rice)
Poisson (Fish)
Viandes et volailles (Meat and Poultry)
Légumes farcis (Stuffed Vegetables)
Légumes (Vegetables)
Fritadas, sfongatos et autres plats à base d’œuf (Fritadas, sfongatos and other egg-based dishes)
Bourekia y pasteles / chaussons et tourtes (Turnovers and Pies)
Pain et fila (Bread)
Friandises et conserves (Confectionery and Conserves)
Turchi / condiments et olives (Condiments and Olives)