Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782901795476
Collection: Dictionnaire des Langues O'
12 x 15 cm
Weight: 143 gr
Pages: 240
First publication: 04/03/1992
Last printing: 02-2019
This pocket-sized dictionary contains approximately 6,000 entries. It is designed specifically for French speakers who are keen to learn Korean, or who at least wish to make sense of signs and information while traveling in Korea. The dictionary includes a grammatical introduction to Korean, and explanations of the alphabet and syllabic and sentence structures. At the end of the dictionary, you will find a list of conversational basics and other essential information aimed at making your first contact with the country as smooth as possible.
Shim Seung-Ja taught Korean at Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco), National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in Paris (France).
Traits spécifiques (Specific features)
Alphabet coréen et son équivalent en lettres latines (The Korean alphabet and its Roman equivalents)
Prononciation (Pronunciation)
Syllabe (Syllables)
Phrase (Sentences)
Grammaire (Grammar)
PRÉSENTATION DES ENTRÉES (Presentation of entries)
ABRÉVIATIONS (Abbreviations)
ANNEXES (Appendix)
Dites-le en coréen (base de conversation) (Basic Korean Conversational Phrases)
Noms des continents et des pays (Names of continents and countries)
Grades militaires (Military rankings)
Nombres (Numbers)
Nom des saisons, des mois et des jours de semaine (Names of seasons, months and days of the week)
Jours fériés (Public holidays)
Nom de famille (Surnames)
Subdivision administrative (Administrative subdivision)
Structure hiérarchique d'entreprise (Hierarchical structure of a business)