This is the first extensive Hindi dictionary for French speakers. It includes 25,000 entries, a summary of Hindi grammar, and a transcription of all words into Roman characters with dialectical signs. An indispensible reference tool for anyone interested in the official language of India.
Nicole Balbir (1924-2008) has been Professor of French at University of Patna in India (1952-1955) and Hindi Professor at INALCO in Paris (1974-1992). Director of the South Asia Department, INALCO (1980-1990). Director of the Center for Studies and Research on the Indian Subcontinent, INALCO (1976-1992). She is the co-author of Dictionnaire hindi-français, and author of the preface to the book Kâmâyanî, both published by l'Asiathèque.
Jagbans Kishore Balbir (1921-2018), was professor of Sanskrit between 1952 and 1962. He was civil administrator in the government of Uttar Pradesh in India. Former Head of Section, Division of Higher Education, Education Sector at UNESCO, Paris (before 1992).
Guide de l'utilisateur (Guide to the user)
I. Le lexique hindi (Hindi Lexicon)
II. La présentation (Presentation)
III. L'écriture et la phonétique (Writing and phonetics)
1. L'écriture (Writing)
1.1. Notation des voyelles (Notation of vowels)
1.2. Notation des consonnes (Notation of consonants)
1.3. Formes spéciales (Special forms)
1.4. Signes auxiliaires (Auxiliary signs)
2. La prononciation (Pronunciation)
2.1. Voyelles (Vowels)
2.2. Consonnes (Consonants)
2.3. Consonnes vibrantes (Vibrating consonants)
2.4. Phonèmes étrangers (Foreign phonemes)
IV. La transcription (Transcription)
1. Traitement de la voyelle a (Treatment of the vowel 'a')
2. Traitement de la voyelle R (Treatment of the vowel 'R')
3. Traitement de la nasalisation (Treatment of nasalisation)
4. Traitement des consonnes "vibrantes"(Treatment of "vibrating" consonants)
5. Traitement du visarga (Treatment of visarga)
6. Traitement des phonèmes étrangers (Treatment of foreign phonemes)
Précis grammatical (Grammatical summary)
1. Genre et nombre (Gender and number)
2. Déclinaison (Declension)
3. Accord de l'adjectif (Adjective agreement)
4. Indicateurs de fonction (Indicators of function)
5. Pronoms (Pronouns)
6. Système verbal (Verbal system)
7. Formes verbales impersonnelles (Impersonal verbal forms)
8. Auxiliaires modaux (Modal auxiliaries)
9. Verbes composés (Compound verbs)
10. Voix passive (Passive voice)
11. Dérivation verbale (Verbal derivation)
12. Structure des phrases (Sentence structure)
13. Formation des mots (Word formation)
14. Mots composés (Compound words)
15. Mots doubles (Double words)
Tableaux de conjugaison (Conjugation tables)
Table des abréviations (Tables of abbreviations)
Dictionnaire (Dictionary)