
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782915255645
Collection: Les bilingues
12.5 x 18 cm
Weight: 200 gr
Pages: 176
First publication: 05/09/2007
Last printing: 12/2023

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La faim, c’est le feu

bilingual Hindi-French

Translation: Muriel Calvet, Jyoti Garin

A rich family's daughter, whose Hindi teacher asked her to write an essay about hunger, is about to upset the whole family in an unimaginable way. Facing three beggars, an old man, an old woman, and a young girl, who are supposed to explain them what is hunger, the father, the mother and the daughter are not able to determine whether their aggressive partners are really starving or are actors. This terribly ironic play is regularly and successfully on stage in India. The plot is sustained and the final scene is maintains all intensity of the play until the curtains fall.

Paper book


Krishna Baldev Vaid, Indian writer.

(Le Monde, 23/02/2020)
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Krishna Baldev Vaid

Krishna Baldev Vaid, born in 1927 in Punjab, present-day in Pakistan, has long had a parallel academic career in English literature and a career as a writer in Hindi. His work is distinguished by its inspirational originality, its humor, and an anti-realism that breaks with ideological and stylistic conventions. He is the author of about twenty novels, many short stories (La Splendeur de Maya et Lila, published by Caractères). His great novel on score appeared in French under the title Requiem pour un autre temps (InFolio). He is also a playwright whose six plays have been performed successfully in India.

(Photo © Ted Polumbaum)