
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782915255447
Collection: L’Asiathèque Littérature
13.5 x 21.5 cm
Weight: 347 gr
Pages: 280
First publication: 25/10/2006
Last printing: 10/2006
CLIL: 3444
BISAC: LCO008010

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La tête du professeur Dowell

Translation: Aselle Amanaliéva-Larvet

Preface : Philippe Curval

A medical student, Marie Laurane, is recruited by Dr. Kern, to watch over the living and separate head of his trunk Professor Dowell ... A novel on the report of the spirit to the body appeared in 1926. From the same author, published by L'Asiathèque : Le Pain Eternel (The Eternal Bread). Novel translated from Russian.

Paper book


La tête du professeur Dowell
"... Having been himself paralyzed for several years, he knows, in an intimate way, that life is only worth through sensations, only through movement and reaction. Abstraction and idealism are only the pretenses of existence. Nothing beats people's drunkenness ... "

(Phé, 01/11/2006)
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Alexandre Beliaev

Alexandre Beliaev (1884-1942) is a kind of Russian Jules Verne. He has written numerous science fiction novels and also a lot of short stories of astonishing premonition. Much admired in his country, it has hardly been translated in France. So this is a discovery. It is planned to continue the publication of his work with a novel, which we will publish in French only, and probably with another collection of short stories.

Philippe Curval

Philippe Tronche, known as Philippe Curval, born December 27, 1929 in Paris, is an illustrator, and above all a novelist and author of science fiction whose work, begun in 1956, crosses the Golden Age of science fiction , then the recent - more turbulent - era of the 1980s and 1990s, and has continued since 2000 with several novels including Lothar Blues in 2008.

Aselle Amanaliéva-Larvet

Aselle Amanaliéva-Larvet, of Kyrgyz origin, living in France, has been nourished since childhood on Russian literature.


Maux de tête, par Philippe Curval (Headaches, by Philippe Curval)
Introduction, par Aselle Amanaliéva-Larvet (Introduction, by Aselle Amanaliéva-Larvet)
Première rencontre (First meeting)
Le secret du robinet interdit (The secret of the forbidden tap)
La tête commence à parler (The head begins to speak)
Mort naturelle ou meurtre ? (Natural death or murder)
Les victimes de la grande ville (The victims of the big city)
Les nouveaux habitants du laboratoire (The new inhabitants of the laboratory)
Les têtes s’amusent (Heads have fun)
Le Ciel et la terre (Heaven and earth)
Le vice et la vertu (Vice and virtue)
Diane la morte (Diane the dead)
L’échantillon s’évade (The sample escapes)
Jusqu’au bout de la chanson (Up to the end of the song)
La femme énigme (The enigma woman)
Joyeuse promenade (Joyous walk)
À Paris (In Paris)
La victime de Kern (Kern's victim)
La clinique de Ravino (Ravino's clinic)
Les « fous » (The mad)
Un « cas difficile » (A difficult case)
Le nouveau pensionnaire (The new resident)
Évasion (Escape)
Entre la vie et la mort (Between life and death)
De nouveau sans corps (Again without a body)
Thomas meurt une seconde fois (Thomas dies a second time)
Les conjurés (The conspirators)
Le triomphe gâché (The wasted triumph)
La dernière rencontre (The last meeting)