
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570508
Collection: Langues INALCO
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 586 gr
Pages: 352
First publication: 29/04/2015
Last printing: 07/2022

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Lectures persanes (Livre + audio)

Persian Readings is designed to follow the Persian Handbookvolume 1 published in l'Asiathèque. Christophe Balaÿ is co-author of the two works. It will be used in particular by students of Persian havingfinished volume 1.This work is also defined as an anthology of texts literary and press texts written in Persian, since the middle of the century to the present day. These texts are offered in Persian and accompanied by an unpublished French translation by Christophe Balaÿ and Amir Moghani. Literary texts and certain press articles are the subject of a commentary on the style of the text, the language of the author and the writing context of the work from which the text is extracted.(Book + QR codes)

Paper book


Audio recording

Mp3 audio files (zipped folder)


Amir Moghani

Amir Moghani is a lecturer at INALCO and attached to the Center for the Study and Research on Literatures and Oralities of the World (CERLOM). His research themes are the didactics of Persian as a foreign language, intercultural communication and translation studies (theories, didactics, history and criticism of translation). He is also a translator of contemporary Afghan (Kh. Nawisa) and Iranian (B. Alavi, Gh. Alizâdeh, Sh. Meskoob, E. Nabavi, M. Ravânipour) literature.

Christophe Balaÿ

Christophe Balaÿ, born in 1949, has been professor of Persian language and literature since 1989 at INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations). He holds a doctorate in French literature and a doctorate "ès lettres", specializing in Iranian studies. He has published Aux sources de la nouvelle persane (ADPF, 1983), and La genèse du roman persan moderne (Ifri-Moïn, Téhéran, 1998). He continues a work of translation of works of modern and contemporary Persian prose started with a selection of short stories by Sadegh Hedayat (L’homme qui tua son âme, Phébus 1999), works by Houhang Golchiri (Chronique de l’histoire des mages, Le roi des noir-vêtus, éd. L’Inventaire), a novel by Shahrnoush Parsipour (Femmes sans hommes, éd. Lettres Persanes, 2006, reprint 2012), the complete novel by Zoya Pirzad (five novels and collections of short stories published by Zulma), a novel by Fariba Vafi (Secrets de rue, Paris, éd. Zulma) and recently an unpublished novel in Persian by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Le Colonel, (Paris, ed. Buchet-Chastel, 2012). Christophe Balaÿ translated the poetry of Yadollah Royaï: Et la mort était donc autre chose, Cahiers de Royaumont (in coll.), Ed. Créaphis, 1997; Signatures (Tehran, ed. Caravanes); Versées labiales, Ed. Tarabuste, 2013. He is currently preparing to edit a history of modern Persian prose. He is also author of Manuel de persan and Lectures persanes, published at L'Asiathèque.


Introduction (Introduction)
Textes littéraires (Literary texts)
1. Journal de voyage de Nasereddin Shah (1873) (1. Travel diary of Nasereddin Shah (1873))
2. Les aventures de Hadji Baba (1886) (2. The Adventures of Hadji Baba (1886))
3. Histoire du célèbre Amir Arslan (1880) (3. History of the famous Amir Arslan (1880))
4. Les trappeurs (1880-1890) (4. Trappers (1880-1890))
5. Le livre d’Ahmad (1893) (5. The Book of Ahmad (1893))
6. Le journal de voyage d’Ebrahim Beyg (1895) (6. Ebrahim Beyg's Travel Diary (1895))
7. Shams et Toghra (1909) (7. Shams and Toghra (1909))
8. Téhéran l’effroyable (1921) (8. Tehran the Terrible (1921))
9. La chouette aveugle (1936) (9. The Blind Owl (1936))
10. L’asile de fous (1941) (10. The Asylum of Fools (1941))
11. La paysanne (1941) (11. La paysanne (1941))
12. Yahya (1945) (12. Yahya (1945))
13. Le setar (1948) (13. The setar (1948))
14. Ses yeux (1952) (14. His Eyes (1952))
15. Le petit poisson noir (1968) (15. The little black fish)
16. Le prince Ehtedjab (1969) (16. Prince Ehtedjab (1969))
17. La longueur de la nuit (1970) (17. The Length of the Night (1970))
18. La poubelle (1971-1972) (18. The Trash Can (1971-1972))
19. Histoire masculine (1972)(19. Male History (1972))
20. Trois jarres royales (1973) (20. Three Royal Jars (1973))
21. Avec Shobeyrou (1973) (21. With Shobeyrou (1973))
22. Une tête, un oreiller (1980) (22. A Head, a Pillow (1980))
23. La rencontre (1980) (23. The Meeting (1980))
24. Le poulailler (1987) (24. The Chicken Coop (1987))
25. Le livre des absents (1989) (25. The Book of absentees (1989))
26. Lettre au monde (1990) (26. Letter to the World (1990))
27. La symphonie des morts (1991) (27. The Symphony of the Dead (1991)
28. Histoire du lapin et de la tomate (1991) (28. Story of the Rabbit and tomato (1991))
29. C’est moi le meurtrier (1993) (29. I am the Murderer (1993))
30. J’étais venu boire un thé avec ma fille (1994) (30. I Had Come to Have Tea with My Daughter (1994))
31. Images brisées (1996) (31. Broken Images (1996))
32. Ma mère, derrière la vitre (1996) (32. My Mother, Behind the Glass (1996))
33. Deuxième lettre (1997) (33. Second letter (1997))
34. Le camp des étrangers (1999) (34. The outsiders' Camp (1999))
35. Présence bleue de Mina (1999)
36. La moitié cachée (1999)
37. Le brave homme (2001)
38. Téhéran, ville sans ciel (2001)
39. Le tableau (2001)
40. Les dames (2002)
41. Maria (2002)
42. Ma tortue (2003)
43. Le requin (2003)
44. Mille et un ans (2003)
45. Atachkan (2004) Textes de presse
46. Journal Qânoun (1890)
47. Élucubrations (1908)
48. Ehsan Naraqi (1953-2002)
49. L’humour (1970)
50. La presse indépendante et pluraliste (1988)
51. La construction des qanats (1990)
52. La sortie du vendredi (1993)
53. L’économie de l’Iran islamique (1995)
54. La pistache iranienne (1995)
55. Les missions archéologiques françaises en Iran (1995)
56. La musique traditionnelle du Khorasan (1999)
57. Le système éducatif de la République islamique (2002)
58. L’avortement vu par le fiqh comparé (2005)
59. La calligraphie (2006)
60. Conductrice (2007)
61. L’Afrique après la guerre froide (2007)
62. La dépression et l’anxiété chez les cancéreux (2007)
63. La traduction des œuvres littéraires (2007)
64. Le jardin dans la miniature persane (2007)
65. Spectacle d’imitatrices (2008)
66. Le divorce (2008)
67. La primauté de la philosophie sur la science (2009)
68. L’ethnocentrisme du consommateur (2009)
69. L’exportation du pétrole (2010)
70. La plus grande météorite de l’histoire de l’Iran (2010)
71. La sociologie du sport et les médias (2010)
72. Le KGB, la Savak et la gauche iranienne (2010)
73. Dowlatabadi, digne descendant de Beyhaghi (2010)
74. Dubaï, la fin de l’âge d’or (2010)
75. Le droit à l’éducation (2011)
76. Utilisation et entretien de l’électroménager (2012)
77. Correspondance administrative (2013)
78. Scénario coranique (2013)

Index des auteurs