
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360573820
Collection: Langues INALCO
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 554 gr
Pages: 336
Edition : 2022
First publication: 07/02/1991
Last printing: 01/2023

Manuel de persan, volume 1 (Livre + audio)

Le persan au quotidien

Persian as spoken in the streets and bazaars. Manual of written Persian to be used by every Iranian in correspondence with his relatives, or modern novelist writing dialogues for his characters. Now spoken by more than seventy-five million people, Persian has always enjoyed the privileged status of language of high culture in a very wide geographical area of the Middle East (from Turkey to northern India). This method is intended for students, but it was designed also for those who want to learn the language by themselves. Text, vocabulary and grammatical developments are always followed by exercises whose answers are given at the end of book. The book has also two indexes: one lexical, one grammatical. Listening and repeating texts are the indispensable complements to a method of spoken language. Thus, the book is accompanied by QR codes for a total of 4 hours and 45 minutes of listening. References of tracks are given in the beginnings of texts or of exercises and time for repetition is left to the student after each sentence.

Paper book Missing €36.00


Christophe Balaÿ

Christophe Balaÿ, born in 1949, has been professor of Persian language and literature since 1989 at INALCO (National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations). He holds a doctorate in French literature and a doctorate "ès lettres", specializing in Iranian studies. He has published Aux sources de la nouvelle persane (ADPF, 1983), and La genèse du roman persan moderne (Ifri-Moïn, Téhéran, 1998). He continues a work of translation of works of modern and contemporary Persian prose started with a selection of short stories by Sadegh Hedayat (L’homme qui tua son âme, Phébus 1999), works by Houhang Golchiri (Chronique de l’histoire des mages, Le roi des noir-vêtus, éd. L’Inventaire), a novel by Shahrnoush Parsipour (Femmes sans hommes, éd. Lettres Persanes, 2006, reprint 2012), the complete novel by Zoya Pirzad (five novels and collections of short stories published by Zulma), a novel by Fariba Vafi (Secrets de rue, Paris, éd. Zulma) and recently an unpublished novel in Persian by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Le Colonel, (Paris, ed. Buchet-Chastel, 2012). Christophe Balaÿ translated the poetry of Yadollah Royaï: Et la mort était donc autre chose, Cahiers de Royaumont (in coll.), Ed. Créaphis, 1997; Signatures (Tehran, ed. Caravanes); Versées labiales, Ed. Tarabuste, 2013. He is currently preparing to edit a history of modern Persian prose. He is also author of Manuel de persan and Lectures persanes, published at L'Asiathèque.


Leçon 1
1. phonétique
2. le nom
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. vocabulaire
Leçon 2
1. phonétique
2. lisons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. vocabulaire
Leçon 3
1. observons la ville
2. interrogeons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. vocabulaire
Leçon 4
1. lisons
2. grammaire
3. exercices
4. vocabulaire
Leçon 5
1. lisons
2. grammaire
3. exercices
4. vocabulaire
Leçon 6
1. lisons
2. quelques adjectifs
3. jours de la semaine
4. grammaire
5. exercices
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 7
1. l’écriture 
2. lisons
3. récapitulons
4. lisons encore
5. conversation
6. grammaire
7. exercices
8. vocabulaire
Leçon 8
1. l’écriture
2. récapitulons
3. lisons encore
4. récapitulons
5. comptons
6. conversation
7. grammaire
8. exercices
9. vocabulaire
Leçon 9

1. lisons
2. récapitulons
3. comptons
4. conversation
5. grammaire
6. exercices
7. vocabulaire
Leçon 10
1. lisons
2. conversation
3.  grammaire
4. exercices
5. vocabulaire
Leçon 11
1. lisons
2. comptons
3. conversation
4. grammaire
5. exercices
6. textes
7. vocabulaire
Leçon 12
1. lisons
2. conjugaison
3. conversation
4. grammaire
5. exercices
6. texte
7. vocabulaire
Leçon 13
1. lisons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 14
1. lisons
2. conversation
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 15
1. lisons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 16
1. lisons
2. conversation
3. grammaire
4. comptons
5. exercices
6. texte
7. vocabulaire
Leçon 17
1. lisons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 18
1. lisons
2. conversation
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 19
1. lisons
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Leçon 20
1. lisons
2. conversation
3. grammaire
4. exercices
5. texte
6. vocabulaire
Corrigés des exercices
Vocabulaire général
Index des notions grammaticales