Frédéric Wang

Frédéric Wang is professor of the history of Chinese thought at the Institut des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) and a member of IFRAE (UMR 8043). His current research focuses on Confucianism, particularly in the sixteenth century. Author of Approche sémiotique de Maurice Blanchot (1998), Wang Tingxiang (1474-1544) et le néo-confucianisme mis en question (2023), he edited the collective work le Choix de la Chine d'aujourd'hui : entre la Chine et l'Occident (2010), coordinated issue 277-278 of Diogène, ‘Modernités en Asie orientales (Chine, Corée, Japon, Vietnam)' (2022) and, with Stéphane Feuillas, issue 265-266 of the same journal, ‘De proches amis venus de loin: amitiés dans l'Asie orientale' (2019). He is also editor of the ‘Mondes chinois’ collection published by Indes savantes.