Sylvie Hureau

Sylvie Hureau is a lecturer in the Religious Sciences section of École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE-PSL), in the Chinese Buddhism chair. She is a member of the CRCAO (UMR 8155). Her teaching and research focus on the history of the transmission and reception of Buddhism during the period of the Southern and Northern dynasties (3rd-6th centuries). She is the author of the notes ‘Sources de l'histoire du bouddhisme chinois’ and ‘Biographies de moines et de moniales bouddhistes’ in N. Kouamé, É. Meyer and A. Viguier (eds.), Encyclopédie des historiographies. Genres et corpus, Paris, Presses numériques de l'Inalco, 2019 and nearly a hundred entries in the Dictionnaire biographique du haut Moyen Âge chinois,D. Chaussende and F. Martin (eds.) (Paris, les Belles Lettres, 2020).