
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782911053009
Collection: Les bilingues
12.2 x 18 cm
Weight: 300 gr
Pages: 216
First publication: 10/12/1995
Last printing: 04/2021

Read an excerpt

Béla Bartók

Éléments d'un autoportrait
bilingual Hungarian-French

Translation: Jean Gergely

Written as a tribute to the writer and musician who died 50 years ago.

“My main idea, the one that possesses me entirely, is that of the brotherhood of peoples. This is the idea that, as far as my strength allows, I try to serve with my work." These words, quoted by François Fetjo in his preface, reveal the deep meaning that Béla Bartok assigned to his research on musical folklore and to his work as a creator, both closely linked.

The fifteen texts - articles, interviews, and letters - presented here in both  Hungarian and French bear witness to Béla Bartok's intellectual rigor, his tireless willpower, and his very own personal brand of humor. The first text, devoted to the music of Liszt, was written in 1911; the last one, a letter to his son Béla, dates back to 1941. He would die four years later, on September 26, 1945, in the United States.

Paper book


Jean Gergely

Jean Gergely, composer and musicologist, taught Hungarian at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations.


Préface de François Fejtõ (Preface by François Fejtõ)
Introduction de Jean Gergely (Introduction by Jean Gergely)
Avertissement au lecteur (Notice to the Reader)
ÉCRITS ET LETTRES DE BÉLA BARTÓK (Letters and Works of Béla Bartók)
NOTES ET COMMENTAIRES DE JEAN GERGELY (Notes and Commentary by Jean Gergely)
1. Liszt zenéje és a mai közönség - La musique de Liszt et le public d'aujourd'hui (1911)  (The music of Liszt and the modern audience (1911))
2. Az összehasonlító zenefolklór - Le folklore musical comparé (1912) (Comparative musical folklore (1912))
3. A fából faragott királyfiról - Sur Le Prince de bois (1917) (On The Wooden Prince (1917))
4. A kékszakállú herceg váráról - Sur Le Château de Barbe-bleue (1918) (On Blue-Beard's Castle (1918))
5. Bartók Béla - Debussyröl - Béla Bartók - Sur Debussy (1918) (On Debussy (1918))
6. Bartók Béla, oroszországi utjáról - Béla Bartók sur sa tournée en Russie (1929) (Béla Bartók on his tour of Russia (1929))
7. Magyar népzene - Musique populaire hongroise (1935) (Popular Hungarian Music (1935))
8. Román népzene - Musique populaire roumaine (1935) (Popular Romanian Music (1935))
9. Szlovák népzene - Musique populaire slovaque (1935) (Popular Slovakian Music (1935))