Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570270
Collection: Hors Collection
17 x 24 cm
Weight: 200 gr
Pages: 97
First publication: 09/05/2012
Last printing: 05/2012
Translation: Rémy Dor
To preserve the flavor, richness and beauty of the poetry of Yunus Émrè, Rémy Dor chose to render it in the Middle French of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The reader will find a transcription of the Turkish text on the left hand page, accompanied by notes and scholia, and the text in Middle French on the right hand page, together with an informative and literal translation in modern French. A play with colours allows the reader to distinguish between the Turkish base and Arabic and Persian loan words. Of the 205 poems in the Divan, Rémy Dor has selected 14 for their formal perfection and spiritual intensity. This initiatory journey covers seven days and nights, in reference to the fateful date of 707 (when Yunus Émrè became a dervish), the seven songs of dusk and seven dawn carols separated by the neutral element of midnight, at 0 hours.
Younous Émrè, a 14th century poet, is considered the first great Turkish humanist. His poetry combines the founding values of Islam with the folklore tradition of Anatolia. Animated by a mystical vocation, he puts - in a time of turmoil and violence - his genius at the service of the afflicted and brings consolation to those who no longer have hope. His aura is still immense in Turkey.
Rémy Dor, university professor, linguist and ethnologist of the Turkish world, previously published at the Asiathèque in the “Bilingual L & M” collection five works devoted to various aspects of literary creation, oral or written tradition: lyric chantefables, tongue twisters, logogriphs, rhymes and riddles. He is a professor at Inalco.
En guise de préambule
1er Nycthémère
… En tremor sera li gents (Abandon, folio 60b, cantique n° 7)
… J’esbranle la roue du Destin (Adoration, folio 140b, cantique n° 111)
2e Nycthémère
… Pour quoy du corps se despartent ? (Abandon, folio 80a, cantique n° 35)
… Ja mes ne vois disparicion (Adoration, folio 134b, cantique n° 107)
3e Nycthémère
… Cest monde est vaineté & vent (Abandon, folio 116b, cantique n° 85)
… Nul n’est sans Adoracion (Adoration, folio 79b, cantique n° 34)
4e Nycthémère
… La face du sol tremblera (Abandon, folio 169b, cantique n° 153)
… Prends refuge en l’Adoracion (Adoration, folio 58b, cantique n° 5)
5e Nycthémère
… Pareille a un torment de vent (Abandon, folio 207a, cantique n° 203)
… Rescrit des Significacions (Adoration, folio 177a, cantique n° 164)
6e Nycthémère
… Qui se trouve uni a l’Aimé (Abandon, folio 71b, cantique n° 22)
… Dedans, tant de choses se passent ! (Adoration, folio 82a, cantique n° 38)
7e Nycthémère
… Faveur nouvelle est octroyée (Abandon, folio 171b, cantique n° 156)
… A embrasé le fond du coeur (Adoration, folio 199b, cantique n° 192)