
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570287
Collection: Hors Collection
15.8 x 24 cm
Weight: 713 gr
Pages: 462
Edition : 2012
First publication: 25/06/1977
Last printing: 09-2020

Read an excerpt

Cours de vietnamien (Livre + audio)

The Vietnamese language belongs to the Mon-Khmer branch of Austroasiatic languages​​. It is spoken in Vietnam by 98 million people, 85% of whom are from Kinh Kinh and 15% from ethnic minorities using Vietnamese as their primary language. It is also the language spoken by Vietnamese minorities in neighbouring countries: China, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, where many Vietnamese people live. It is a monosyllabic language which has a system of six tones. The assimilation of tones, as well as comprehending spoken Vietnamese, is the biggest challenge of learning the language. This course devotes an important chapter  to this in the introduction, to which the audio recording is an essential addition. The book is divided into three parts with a total of sixty lessons in classical structured text, vocabulary and grammar. A Vietnamese-French lexicon of 96 pages can be found at the end of the volume. Audio recordings that go along with the first part of this book can be downloaded for free by clicking here. About 50 minutes of listening.

Paper book Missing €38.00


Audio recording

Mp3 audio files (zipped folder)


Antoine Dauphin

Antoine Dauphin, lived a long time in Vietnam. He developed and taught this course under the auspices of the Franco-Vietnamese Friendship Association. He is now retired.


Première partie
La structure phonétique du vietnamien
Les consonnes initiales
Les consonnes finales
Les voyelles composées
La syllabe
Le système des tons en vietnamien
Le ton haut-plain
Le ton haut-mélodique
Le ton bas-mélodique
Le ton haut-glottal
Le ton bas-glottal
Leçon 1
Leçon 2
Leçon 3
Leçon 4
Leçon 5
Leçon 6
Leçon 8
Leçon 9
Leçon 10
Leçon 11
Leçon 12
Leçon 13
Leçon 14
Leçon 15
Leçon 16
Leçon 17
Leçon 18
Leçon 19
Deuxième partie
Leçon 1
Leçon 2
Leçon 3
Leçon 4
Leçon 5
Leçon 6
Leçon 7
Leçon 8
Leçon 8
Leçon 9
Leçon 10
Leçon 11
Leçon 12
Leçon 13
Leçon 14
Leçon 15
Leçon 16
Leçon 17
Leçon 18
Leçon 19
Leçon 20
Leçon 21
Leçon 22
Leçon 23
Leçon 24
Troisième partie
Leçon 1
Leçon 2
Leçon 3
Leçon 4
Leçon 5
Leçon 6
Leçon 7
Leçon 8
Leçon 8
Leçon 9
Leçon 10
Leçon 11
Leçon 12
Leçon 13
Leçon 14
Leçon 15
Leçon 16
Leçon 17
Lexique vietnamien français
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