
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782901795544
Collection: Dictionnaire des Langues O'
12 x 15 cm
Weight: 119 gr
Pages: 192
First publication: 01/05/1993
Last printing: 01-2025

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Dictionnaire français-malgache

A pocket-sized dictionary comprised of approximately 6,000 entries, this bilingual dictionary aims not only to introduce the language to foreigners who want to learn Malagasy, but also to aid native Malagasy speakers who have not yet mastered French. It is the perfect tool for people who wish to travel or work in Madagascar.

Paper book


Narivelo Rajaonarimanana

Narivelo Rajaonarimanana is a linguist, professor, and head of the Malagasy section at INALCO. He is also director of the Center for Research on the Western Indian Ocean and the Austronesian World (CROIMA).

Pierre Vérin

Pierre Vérin, born April 6, 1934 in Niort and died in Limoges on July 15, 2010 (aged 76), is an internationally renowned French anthropologist, archaeologist and linguist. Pierre Vérin studied at the Sorbonne (degrees in letters and in law), at ENFOM (internship in Madagascar) and at the School of Oriental Languages ​​(diplomas in Malagasy and Oceanic languages) then in anthropology at Yale University. From 1961 at ORSTOM in French Polynesia, he returned in 1962 to the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Antananarivo from where he left in 1973 for the West Indies. From 1975 to 1980, he was seconded as cultural advisor to Burundi then to Mauritius, and finally as head of the French cooperation mission in the Comoros. From 1980, following Jacques Faublée (1912-2003), he held the post of professor of Malagasy at the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (of which he became vice-president in 1986). He is also director of the Center for Studies and Research on the Western Indian Ocean, elected member of the Academy of Overseas Sciences and of the Malagasy National Academy, section president of the National Council of Universities where he is elected on the Sgen-CFDT list (15th section: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew languages ​​and literatures, other linguistic fields). In 1996, he joined the French University of the Pacific where he was professor of Polynesian civilization, president of the university from 1997 to 1999 before the creation of the University of French Polynesia resulting from the separation between the University of New -Caledonia and Polynesia. He was also the director of the Isoraka Museum of Art and Archeology in Antananarivo. Upon his death, he left an important work written on the Pacific and Indian Ocean, more particularly Madagascar and the Comoros archipelago, where he worked with many anthropologists, linguists and historians.


Précis de grammaire malgache (Summary of Malagasy grammar)
I. Alphabet et prononciation
II. Liaison et alternance de consonnes (Liaison and alternation of consonants)
III. Mots et classe de mots (Words and classes of words)
IV. Phrase et fonctions grammaticales (Sentence and grammatical functions)
V. Ordre des mots et intention communicative (Word order and communicative intention)
Dites-le en malgache (Malagasy Phrases)
Abréviations et sigles (Fanafohezan-teny) (Abbreviations and acronyms)
Système monétaire (vola) (Monetary system)
Proverbes (ohabolana)
Prénoms (Fanampi'anarana) (First names)
Noms propres (Anarana) (Proper nouns)
Salutations et souhaits (Greetings and wishes)