
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782915255553
Collection: Hors Collection
12.5 x 17.5 cm
Weight: 508 gr
Pages: 576
Edition : 2007
First publication: 02/05/2001
Last printing: 08-2023

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Grammaire fondamentale du hongrois

While the language manual progresses systematically through the various structures of Hungarian grammar, this grammar handbook, specifically adapted to the needs of French speakers, focuses on the particular features which distinguish Hungarian and French. The grammatical rules and their irregularities are illustrated and explained through lively everyday examples which give the student insight into trends in modern-day Hungary. This book constitutes the new revised edition, corrected, and clarified, with a new and more convenient pocket format.

Paper book


Georges Kassai

Georges Kassai (Gyögy Kassai in Hungarian is a historian of Hungarian literature. Son of a Hungarian poet, he is the author of language methods and of numerous translations of Hungarian authors into French.

Thomas Szende

Thomas Szende is a university professor (Hungarian language and civilization) at the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations. He is director of the EA 4514 “PLIDAM” research center (Plurality of languages ​​and identities: didactics, acquisition, mediation). He was university cooperation attaché at the French Embassy in Syria (2004-2006).