
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570027
Collection: Hors Collection
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 415 gr
Pages: 256
First publication: 22/06/2010
Last printing: 05/2017

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Mots chinois, mots français

Manuel d'analyse lexicale pour francophones 1

This book applies to students wishing to improve their knowledge of Chinese. Using 300 words, with numerous examples for each of them, it details, in an extensive way, the issues faced by learners when it comes to translation and full understanding. Indeed, those words mainly chosen for their close meaning, are sometimes « synonyms » and tough to distinguish. Yet, those words’ sense and use can’t be confused one with the other. A particular attention has been given to the specific difficulties French speakers have to deal with. Usually the starting point leading to an explanation is a Chinese word. However, it is considered essential to introduce some French words that have no exact translation in Chinese and can be therefore difficult to translate. This book is followed by Nuances et subtilités de la langue chinoise, Manuel d’analyse lexicale pour francophones 2 (Nuances and subtleties of Chinese language - Manual of lexical analysis for French speakers 2), written by par Honghua Poizat-Xie and Marie Wyss. Honghua Poizat-Xie, doctor in Chinese linguistics, is a professor in Chinese language and literature at Geneva University. She is also the author of Vocabulaire du chinois contemporain 1 (Vocabulary of contemporary Chinese 1) published by L’Asiathèque in December 2008. Nicolas Zufferey is a professor in Chinese language and literature at Geneva University.

Paper book


Honghua Poizat-Xie

Honghua Poizat-Xie teaches Chinese language and literature at the University of Geneva. She is also the author of a series of Chinese learning books at L'Asiathèque.

Nicolas Zufferey

Nicolas Zufferey is professor of Chinese language and civilization at the University of Geneva.


ăi, dī 矮、低
àn, zhào, ànzhào, gēnjù 按、照、按照、根据
bàn, yībàn 半、一半
bāng, bāngzhù, bāngmáng 帮、帮助、帮忙
bāo, dài 包、袋
biàn, găi, huàn, biànhuà, găibiàn 变、改、换、变化、改变
biăoxiàn, xiănshì, biăoshì, biăomíng, biăodá 表现、显示、表示、表明、表达
biéde, lìng, lìngwài, qítā 别的、另、另外、其他
bù, méi 不、没
búshì… jiùshì…, bú shì… ér shì… 不是⋯就是⋯、不是⋯而是⋯
bú zài, zài bù 不再、再不
cānguān, făngwèn 参观、访问
chángcháng, wăngwăng 常常、往往
chuān, dài 穿、戴
cì, biàn, huí, tàng, bèi, chéng 次、遍、回、趟、倍、乘
dă 打
dāng/dàng, shì, chéngwéi, dāngzuò, zuòwéi 当、是、成为、当作、作为
dŏng, míngbai, lĭjiĕ 懂、明白、理解
dōu, quán 都、全

èr, liăng 二、两
futur (l’indication du) jiāng, huì, yào, kuài, jiù 将、会、要、快、就
gōngzuò, láodòng, gànhuó, zuòshì 工作、劳动、干活、做事
guăn, fùzé, dài, zhàogù, guānxīn 管、负责、带、照顾、关心
hái, yĕ, yòu, zài 还、也、又、再
háishi, huòzhĕ 还是、或者
hăo/hào 好
hĕn 很
jĭ, duō, lái, shàng, qiánhòu, zuŏyòu, shàngxià, yĭshàng, yĭxià 几、多、来、上、前后、左右、上下、以上、以下
jià, fàngjià, dùjià, xiūjià, yŏu jià, qĭngjià 假、放假、度假、休假、有假、请假
jīnglì, jīngyàn 经历、经验
kăo, kăoshì 考、考试
lăo, jiù, gŭ, gù, yĭqián 老、旧、古、故、以前
ma, a, ne, ba 吗、啊、呢、吧
mĕi, gè 每、各
pà, hàipà, kŏngpà 怕、害怕、恐怕
passif (l’expression du)
shŭ, suàn, jì, jìsuàn, tŏngjì 数、算、计、计算、统计
shuāng, duì 双、对
shuō, gàosù, jiăng, tán, liáo, liáotiān, tánlùn, tăolùn, shāngliang, shāngtăo,
xiéshāng, lùn 说、告诉、讲、谈、聊、聊天、谈论、讨论、商量、商讨、协商、论
suì, duōshăo suì, jĭ suì, duō dà niánjì, duō dà suìshu, niánlíng, niánjì, suìshu, niánsuì 岁、多少岁、几岁、多大年纪、多大岁数、年龄、年纪、 岁数、年岁
suŏyŏu, rènhé, quánbù, yīqiè 所有、任何、全部、一切

tóur, shàngsī, shàngjí, zhăng, zhŭrèn, zhŭxí, zŏngtŏng, zŏnglĭ, shŏuxiàng, lĭngdăo, lĭngdăorén, lĭngxiù, lăobăn, jīnglĭ, fùzérén 头儿、上司、上级、长、主任、主席、总统、总理、 首相、领导、领导人、领袖、老板、经理、负责人
xiăng, juéde, kăol`ü, rènwéi, yĭwéi 想、觉得、考虑、认为、以为
yīzài, zàisān 一再、再三
yĭjīng, céngjīng 已经、曾经
yīdiăn, yīxiē 一点、一些
yìsi, yìyì 意思、意义
yuánlái, bĕnlái 原来、本来
yuè 越
zĕnme, zĕnmeyàng 怎么、怎么样
zhe 着
zhīdào, rènshi, shúxī, shúshi, liăojiĕ 知道、认识、熟悉、熟识、了解
zhĭyào, zhĭyŏu 只要、只有
zhōng, nèi, lĭ, zhī zhōng, zhōngjiān, zhījiān, zhīnèi 中、内、里、之中、中间、之间、之内
zuò, zuò, gàn, găo, cóngshì, bàn, nòng 作、做、干、搞、从事、办、弄
Index des mots chinois
Index des mots français
Table des matières de Nuances et subtilités de la langue chinoise