
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782915255157
Collection: Les bilingues
12.5 x 18 cm
Weight: 279 gr
Pages: 304
First publication: 10/01/2005
Last printing: 01/2005

Book published with IFEAC (French Institute of Central Asian Studies)

Nourali le Preux et Marghoumon-Péri

Chantefable lyrique ouzbèque
bilingual Uzbek-French

Translation: Rémy Dor

After seeing Marghoumon in a dream, Nourali embarks on a quest to find her. He must go through perils, struggles, and challenges before finding and bringing her back to the land of their fathers with their newborn son ! Fozil Yo‘ldashoghli (1872-1955) is the most famous bard of the Ecole de Chant of Bulunghur in Uzbekistan. A great poet of the Soviet era, who lived during the transition from a traditional society to modern world, Fozil is today almost entirely forgotten despite being an enormously talented creator and interpreter. Rémy Dor managed to deliver the reader an excellent work: an informative introduction first situates the work in history, and then the text - thanks to a translation both innovative and loyal - reveals itself in all its vivacity and spice.

Paper book


Rémy Dor

Rémy Dor, university professor, linguist and ethnologist of the Turkish world, previously published at the Asiathèque in the “Bilingual L & M” collection five works devoted to various aspects of literary creation, oral or written tradition: lyric chantefables, tongue twisters, logogriphs, rhymes and riddles. He is a professor at Inalco.


Introduction (Introduction)
Texte de la chantefable (Text of the chantefable)
Notes de la chantefable (Notes of the chantefable)
Glossaire (Glossary)
Index des personnages et des lieux (Index of characters and places)
Bibliographie sommaire (Summary bibliography)