
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360572793
Collection: Empreintes chinoises
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 684 gr
Pages: 384
First publication: 19/05/2021
CLIL: 4270

Retrouver son Cœur

La méditation dans la peinture et la poésie chinoises du XVe au XVIIe siècle

Preface : Catherine Despeux

Meditation lessons from ancient China

The Ming scholars (1368-164) [...] felt that "in meditation, in the mountains, the days lie down ". They listen to the streams, the waterfalls, the sounds that match the beats from the heart with a delicacy where the subtle becomes indistinguishable and indistinguishable. They enter little by little little in nature and in a state where all the sounds perceived simultaneously plunge them into the ultimate silence, where not one noise wins over another. This is "to find your Heart", in Chinese xin, a term which designates both the heart as that organ, and the mind, the center of being. [...] Many painters have thus made meditation one of the themes of their painting, theme little put forward until this study by Cédric Laurent who, through the presentation of very beautiful texts, poems and paintings, sensitizes us to this aesthetic and to this philosophy of being developed and put into practice by scholars of the Ming, a golden age for Chinese landscape painting. He makes us realize the importance of meditation in them and among the neo-Confucians, especially those from the School of the Heart, who reinterpreted the texts classics of Confucianism in relation to Buddhism and Taoism. (Extracts from the preface by Catherine Despeux)

Paper book Missing €29.50


Catherine Despeux

Professor Emeritus at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Inalco), Catherine Depseux is a specialist in representations of the body, health and longevity techniques in Chinese medicine and Taoism. She conducts research on internal alchemy in Taoism, and more specifically internal alchemy techniques for women, and has published several studies on women in Taoism. She is notably the author of Immortelles de la Chine ancienne. Taoïsme et alchimie féminine (1990), Lao-tseu. Le guide de l’insondable (2010), and (with Livia Kohn) Women in Taoism (2003).

Cédric Laurent

Cédric Laurent is a professor of Chinese language, literature and civilisation at Rennes 2 University (ERIMIT ). He teaches classical literature and the history of Chinese art, and conducts research into the relationship between painting and literature in China. His work on Ming painting (1368-1644) involves deciphering painted motifs in the light of literature, and occasionally opens up to a wide variety of fields, from curiosa to incense and contemporary art. His books include Voyages immobiles dans la prose ancienne : la peinture narrative sous la dynastie Ming (Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2017) and Retrouver son Coeur : La méditation dans la peinture et la poésie chinoises du XVe au XVIIe siècle (Paris, L'Asiathèque, 2021).


Préface de Catherine Despeux (Preface by Catherine Despeux)
Introduction (Introduction)

I. La méditation en Chine (I. Meditation in China)
1 Les termes chinois (1 Chinese terms)
2 Les fondements textuels taoïstes (2 Taoist textual foundations)
3 Les pratiques de longue vie (3 Long life practices)
4 Méditation bouddhique : le Chan (4 Buddhist meditation: Chan)
5 Le Ciel, le Cœur et la méditation confucéenne (5 Heaven, Heart and Confucian Meditation)
6 L’Invariable milieu, les désirs et le « non-manifesté » (6 The Invariable Middle, Desires and the “Unmanifested”)
7 La Grande Étude et l’« examen des êtres » (7 The Great Study and the “examination of beings”)

II. La poésie mystique de Chen Xianzhang (II. The Mystical Poetry of Chen Xianzhang)
1 Unité des trois religions (1 Unity of the three religions)
2 Méditation et éveil chez Chen Xianzhang (2 Meditation and awakening at Chen Xianzhang)
3 Rien hors du Cœur : la contemplation des bambous (3 Nothing outside the Heart: the contemplation of bamboo)
4 Chen Xianzhang, philosophe et poète (4 Chen Xianzhang, philosopher and poet)
5 Le mont Lu, lieu mythique et mystique (5 Mount Lu, mythical and mystical place)
6 Les grands ermites (6 The Great Hermits)
7 Pêcher le reflet de la lune (7 Fishing for the reflection of the moon)
Méditations au Pavillon qui m’agrée : sélection de poèmes de Chen Xianzhang (Meditations at the Pavilion that pleases me: selection of poems by Chen Xianzhang)

III. Méditation, poésie et peinture chez Shen Zhou (III. Meditation, poetry and painting at Shen Zhou)
1 Shen Zhou, ermite urbain (1 Shen Zhou, Urban Hermit)
2 Contempler la vie : thématiques néo-confucéennes chez Shen Zhou (2 Contemplating life: neo-Confucian themes in Shen Zhou)
3 Wang Wei, Hanshan et autres précurseurs de la poésie de méditation (3 Wang Wei, Hanshan and other precursors of meditation poetry)
Méditations au Hameau d’occident : sélection de peintures et de poèmes de Shen Zhou (Meditations at the Western Hamlet: selection of paintings and poems by Shen Zhou)

IV. Méditation, poésie et peinture chez Tang Yin (IV. Meditation, poetry and painting at Tang Yin)
1 Tang Yin : méditer devant les fleurs (1 Tang Yin: meditate in front of the flowers)
2 La retraite idéale : « En méditation dans la montagne les jours s’allongent » (2 The ideal retreat: “In meditation in the mountains the days get longer”)
Méditations à la Hutte aux fleurs de pêcher : sélection de peintures et de poèmes de Tang Yin (Meditations at the Peach Blossom Hut: Selection of Paintings and Poems by Tang Yin)

V. Méditation, poésie et peinture chez Wen Zhengming (V. Meditation, poetry and painting in Wen Zhengming)
1 Wen Zhengming : mourir en méditation (1 Wen Zhengming: Dying in Meditation)
2 La contemplation de l’eau (2 The contemplation of water)
3 Jouer de la cithare sans corde (3 Playing the stringless zither)
4 Paysage et illustration poétique, expérience personnelle et portraits de commande (4 Landscape and poetic illustration, personal experience and commissioned portraits)
Méditations au Cabinet des paroles d’éveil : sélection de peintures et de poèmes de Wen Zhengming (Meditations at the Cabinet of Awakening Words: Selection of Paintings and Poems by Wen Zhengming)

VI. Gao Panlong et le début du XVIIe siècle (VI. Gao Panlong and the beginning of the 17th century)
1 Un art de vivre (1 A way of life)
2 Culture matérielle de la méditation (2 Material culture of meditation)
3 Évolutions du néoconfucianisme au XVIIe siècle (3 Evolutions of Neo-Confucianism in the 17th century)
4 Gao Panlong et l’académie du Bois d’orient (4 Gao Panlong and the Oriental Wood Academy)
5 Méditation, pratique (gongfu) et éveil chez Gao Panlong (5 Meditation, practice (gongfu) and awakening at Gao Panlong)
6 La poésie de méditation chez Gao Panlong (6 Meditation poetry in Gao Panlong)
Méditations au Séjour d’eau : sélection de poèmes de Gao Panlong (Meditations at the Water Stay: selection of poems by Gao Panlong)
Conclusion : pérennité de la mystique confucéenne et naissance du portrait spirituel (Conclusion: Continuity of Confucian Mysticism and the Birth of the Spiritual Portrait)

Bibliographie (Bibliography)
Table des illustrations (Table of illustrations)
Index des noms propres (Index of proper names)
Index des notions (Index of concepts)


Empreintes chinoises
ISSN : 2781-3673
The collection "Empreintes chinoises" is directed by Catherine Despeux. Beyond fashions and disciplines, the "Empreintes chinoises" collection seeks in the field of possibilities of what touches us in certain aspects of Chinese culture, these imprints which, such as those left by the animals at the origin of Chinese writing, are on the filigree of the culture of the Middle Kingdom. The books in the collection invite you on an inner journey encountering the other one. They bring the reader into the intimacy of men and women, whether they are scholars or Chinese painters, strongly committed to spirituality, from little known ethnic groups or communities... ; they make discover Chinese culture with its sensibilities, its imagination, its representations, its beauty.