
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782360570393
Collection: Hors Collection
16 x 24 cm
Weight: 129 gr
Pages: 96
First publication: 06/11/2012
Last printing: 11/2012

Vocabulaire du chinois contemporain 1 bis

Exercices pour la préparation au HSK - Série de mots complémentaires pour le niveau 4 - Niveau élémentaire

This book is a complement to the first book in a series of three volumes - Vocabulaire du chinois contemporain (Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary 1, 2 and 3) - corresponding to different levels of HSK, as defined in the new syllabys published in 2010 by the Hanban and the Confucius Institute Headquarters. Between the elementary level of the test and the new HSK (level 4), there is a difference of about 500 words. And those who have already prepared the old HSK through the Vocabulaire du chinois contemporain I (Contemporary Chinese vocabulary 1) published by L'Asiathèque in 2008 will find a logical and easily succeed to the passage of the new HSK current standards. Volumes 1 and 1 bis will eventually be combined into one book. Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary 2 which is the 1,500 words level 5 (intermediate) was released in September 2012. Vocabulaire du chinois contemporain 3 (Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary 3) which is the 2,500 words level 6 (Advanced) will be published in 2013. Original artwork by Nicolas Thuret.

Paper book


Honghua Poizat-Xie

Honghua Poizat-Xie teaches Chinese language and literature at the University of Geneva. She is also the author of a series of Chinese learning books at L'Asiathèque.


Note de l’auteur

I. Exercices

1. Informatique, appareils électriques – 电脑,电器

2. Nourriture – 食物

3. Animaux – 动物

4. Parties du corps humain – 身体部位

5. Objets – 物品

6. Lieux – 地点

7. Noms relatifs des personnes – 表人名词

8. Noms abstraits – 抽象名词

9. Noms synonymes – 名词近义词

10. Verbes sécables – 离合词

11. Verbes – 动词

12. Verbes de sentiments – 心理动词

13. Verbes faciles à confondre – 易混淆动词

14. Adjectifs – 形容词

15. Antonymes – 反义词

16. Mots exprimant le temps – 时间词

17. Morphologie – 构词法

18. Expressions trisyllabiques – 三音节词语

19. Mots appartenant à plusieurs catégories – 兼类词

20. Adverbes – 副词

21. Conjonctions – 连词

22. Prépositions – 介词

23. Caractères – 汉字

24. Connaissances culturelles – 文化知识

25. Partie « Lecture » du HSK4 – 汉语水平考试4 级阅读部分

II. Traduction annotée des mots HSK4 traités dans l’ouvrage

III. Corrigés – 参考答案

Bibliographie – 参考书目