Jordanka Foulon Hristova

How are organized, on the basis of a rich verbal morphology, the narrative structures of Macedonian, this Slavic language spoken in the heart of the Balkans, in an area of multiple contacts and mixing.

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This work remains an important reference due to the complexity of the subjects treated within : Etruscan script, Minoan, Venetic, Iberian writing systems, the scripts of Asia Minor, Protosinaitic inscriptions, Khitan, Harappan writings, and Aztec and Mayan writing systems.

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From a corpus of French terms, these glossaries establish a platform of historical vocabulary in various Asian languages. These allow us insight into sometimes distant cultures, each with their own writing system, lexicon and grammatical structures.

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Nicolas Tournadre

Essay by a polyglot linguist on linguistic diversity, the complexity of languages, the differences and kinship between languages and the effects of the disappearance of some. With forty additional languages covered, developments on Romani and Inuit, additions on grammatical gender and feminization, changes to the text presenting the Ge'ez alphasyllabary.

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Fadi Zaghmout

The translation of a bestseller in Jordan, where humor and sadness are blended together in an explosive cocktail which leads the reader to reflect on the condition of women and homosexual in the Arab world.

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Lokenath Bhattacharya

A group of pilgrims sets out to climb the slopes that lead to the sources of the Ganges, a sacred place among all. They make an extraordinary discovery: the peaks of the "roof of the world" have no more snow. Between this supernatural event experienced as frustration and a strange rape of which a woman in the group is the victim, a whole network of hypotheses is woven ...

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An overview of oral literature in China, in a country where for a long time the majority of the population was illiterate. Many translated texts, an integral part of modern culture, which are important to read in order to understand popular Chinese mentality.

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Pierre Emmanuel et al.

The result of a colloquium organized under the direction of Eliane Formentelli in 1978, marking the centennial of the birth of the poet Victor Segalen. A selection of unedited texts and photographs, two watercolors by Victor Segalen and selections from his manuscript Island Journal, sixteen black and white plates and two color plates.

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Paul Demiéville, ...

Forty-five Buddhist poems and 37 secular poems addressed by scholars to their children or by monks to their disciples.

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Emile Guimet Prize for Asian Literature 2020.
At the beginning of the 50s, during the Agrarian Reform, a family of landowners commits suicide to escape the sessions of public accusation, called "sessions of struggle", which await them. The bodies are buried without shrouds or coffins in hastily dug pits. Young Daiyun is assigned to fill them, a source of trauma - among many others - that will compel her to obscure the past.

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