This book is intended for French speakers already familiar with Hebrew and complements the Hebrew Manual and the Advanced Hebrew Manual by Sonia Barzilaï and Mireille Hadas-Lebel, published at the Asiathèque, as well as by other works of which Shifra Svironi-Jacquet was co-author, by developing the practice of Hebrew through the study of nearly 150 texts and more than 2,000 vocabulary words grouped into thematic chapters.
Grammar adapted to the specific needs of the French-speaking public, emphasizing the peculiarities that distinguish Hungarian from French. Grammatical rules and irregularities are illustrated and demonstrated by lively customised sequences reflecting trends from contemporary Hungarian.
24 lessons to learn Indonesian, with dialogues, basic grammar, vocabulary, exercises, written material, audio and iconography in order to practice understanding and practice of the language. With cultural information about the country and the people and a recording for free download.
This manual offers a reasoned presentation of the Japanese language and provides beginners with a grammar to consult daily, as well as a series of exercises to acquire the fundamental mechanisms of the language. For advanced Japanese students, it is a practical reference book.
Follows Volume 1. Each example in Japanese illustrates a different grammatical point and is followed by its equivalent in Western script as well as its translation. The exercises are accompanied by their solutions, and two glossaries, French-Japanese and Japanese-French, can be found at the end of the volume.
Progressive method which is based on the analysis of concrete examples, mostly from literary works. For people who want to learn to read classical texts.
Manual for learning Japanese intended for French speakers. Focused on dialogue, it deals with everyday situations. It includes kanji tables, appendices to facilitate the study and understanding of the language and corrected exercises.
Method of learning in 9 lessons of the language developed for more than five centuries by Jews, refugees in the Ottoman Empire after their expulsion from Spain in 1492, and spoken in the diaspora all around the Mediterranean basin. With QR codes of dialogues, texts and songs.
To learn Korean in 17 lessons from beginner level with the manual and the audio recordings. Each lesson presents an illustrated text, grammatical explanations, vocabulary, translation of the text and exercises with answers.
An introductory manual to the Korean language, through progressive teaching to achieve the acquisition of daily vocabulary and grammatical concepts.